We source our apples through our own four orchard plots. We have two plots dedicated to cider specific varieties, under our Slaughter Orchard & Cidery brand.
The other two plots are for culinary and dessert varieties and are under our Hainlen Orchard label. Visit HainlenOrchard.com to learn more about that orchard.

Arkansas Black is broadly disease resistant with its one susceptibility being scab. It is highly resistant to cedar-apple rust and fireblight, and it will tolerate low desert heat.
The fruit is a deep, dark purplish red that turns almost black at maturity.

An intensely flavored heirloom apple prized by connoisseurs and cider makers. It has moderate disease resistance and blooms late enough to avoid most frosts.
This variety has a small to midsized apple with a russeted honey-green skin that ripens to an orange blush under the russet.

An heirloom dessert apple that is great for storage, baking, and juice. This tree is cold hardy, long lived, and usually a productive and vigorous tree, but it can tend towards biennial or even triennial production.
The flesh is crisp, juicy, with a sweet to sub-acid flavor, aromatic, and firm. It’s a great pie apple and has been used by cider makers for over 200 years.

A traditional French bittersweet cider apple that is used exclusively in cider making and it is not suitable for fresh eating.
This small, hard apple is a staple for French cider and Calvados (apple brandy) makers, producing a high-quality, aromatic, bittersweet juice that ferments to roughly 8% alcohol.

Black Oxford is a cold-hardy and disease-resistant heirloom apple from America.
This variety has a sweet and dense apple with a complex flavor. The flesh is greenish-white and hard, with a balanced flavor that matures in storage. It will keep all winter, and it is a great all-purpose apple, good for fresh eating, baking, and cider.

This variety is an excellent, scab-immune dessert apple.
The flavor is superior; it is honeyed and aromatic with notes of caramel. It is an outstanding dessert apple that stores well and is firm enough to please most bakers.

Dolgo is an outstanding all-purpose crabapple. Being from Russia, it is extremely cold hardy. It also has good resistance to fireblight, cedar-apple rust, and mildew, making it an obvious choice for the home gardener or the organic grower.

Ellis Bitter is a traditional bittersweet cider apple from England and it is not suitable for fresh eating.
Ellis Bitter is a somewhat flat apple that is streaked orange-red over a yellow background. The fruit has a short storage life, and it should be pressed within a few weeks of harvest. It yields a full-bodied, astringent cider that is high in alcohol.

Enterprise is the perfect apple for no-spray cultivation. This grower-friendly tree is vigorous, spreading, and reliably productive.
Enterprise is a medium-large glossy apple that is fully red. The skin is quite thick and tough, and the apple is better served peeled. The flesh is creamy, firm, and crisp with a flavor similar to Idared.

Golden Russet is a prized heirloom for fresh eating and cider and is a vigorous, productive, and a reliable annual cropper.
This variety yields a rich, aromatic juice that is high in sugar and acid and low in tannin. Golden Russet is highly esteemed among cider makers for its ability to reliably produce excellent juice, and it is often used for single-variety ciders.

This tree is vigorous and very productive.
Harrison apples are smallish, round, long-stemmed, and yellow. When pressed, Harrison yields abundant dark, rich juice that contains an excellent balance of tannin, sugar, and acid, and that can be fermented to a single-variety cider.

A traditional bittersweet cider apple from England. Also known as Port Wine. The apple is small, golf-ball sized, and conic, with dark burgundy flecks and stripes over yellow russet color and some russeting around the stem. The juice lends a distinctive, funk, often called “barnyard” to cider.

An American heirloom and one of the best cider crabapples. Also known as Virginia Crab.
The fruit is small, light green blushed with a pinkish red and it hangs on a long, slender stem. It yields a juice that is remarkably clear, fermenting to a full-bodied, biscuity cider that carries notes of cinammon.

The fruit is used exclusively for cider; it is not suitable for fresh eating. The apple is small to medium-sized and round. The skin is a dramatic crimson-purple, flecked with russet lenticels and russeted at the stem, and the flesh is pure white, stained red near the skin. Kingston Black is one of the most distinguished of the traditional cider apples.

Porters Perfection is a bittersharp English cider variety.
It is also a late-season dark red apple with creamy flesh. It yields a highly acidic, low astringency juice. Porter’s Perfection is used exclusively for cider; this apple is not suitable for fresh eating.

Roxbury Russet is one of America’s oldest apples, good for storage, baking, and cider.
The flesh is hard, granular, and crunchy. Almost inedibly tart when first harvested, it will sweeten and mellow in storage. Roxbury is an excellent baker, and it is a favorite with cider makers.

Spitzenburg Esopus is primarily an American dessert apple.
Its flavor, an outstanding combination of sky-high sugars and acids, develops fully after about a month in storage. A favorite of cider makers, Spitzenburg is also an excellent culinary apple. It will keep well in storage through to spring.

A traditional vintage-quality, bittersharp cider apple from England.
Stoke Red is an English heirloom apple originating from Somerset that yields a vintage-quality bittersharp juice (suitable for a single-variety cider) with a perfect tannin/acid balance. The fruit is small, red striped over yellow, and slightly flat. The white flesh is tinged red, soft, and juicy.

A high-sugar, high-acid crabapple that is popular with cider makers.
This apple is intensely flavored for fresh eating, and perfect for jams and jellies, but it has finally found its true calling as a cider apple. The small yellow-red fruits produce a juice that is abundant, clear, and loaded with sugar and acid.

A traditional bittersweet cider apple from Somerset, England. The fruit is medium sized and very conic. Striped red with a white flesh, it yields a rich, brown, low-acid juice of vintage quality (suitable for making a single-variety cider).

A beautiful purple, late-season, disease-resistant dessert apple.
It has a full, rich flavor with tangy notes of citrus and spice. The apple has an exotic beauty that sets it apart from glossy commercial offerings. The flesh is very hard, but crisp and breaking.
*Descriptions and Photos for apple varieties come from cumminsnursery.com
While we focus on growing great cider apples, we also have several additional fruit species we grow. We have canned these fruit in the past but are exploring new exciting flavor profiles for seasonal ciders.
These include:
- Apricots
- Blueberries
- Grapes
- Peaches
- Pears
- Raspberries
- Strawberries
Lodis (aka Lodi Transparent) are a soft-skinned, white fleshed, early-season apple, very similar to the Transparent variety. They are a best-seller for making pies or applesauce.
Transparent, or Yellow Transparent, are similar to the Lodi Transparent; an early-season variety.Transparent’s have a thin pale green skin and are best used for pies and applesauce.
Jersey Mac is soft summer apple noted for its sweet, yet tart, strawberry-like flavor. With a bright white flesh and tough skin, this apple is very aromatic.
A daughter of the McIntosh, this apple gives the great McIntosh flavor earlier in the season with additional flavors. Paula Red is a firm, sometimes thick skinned, but often with a bright red blush. Paula Red is a multi-purpose apple for fresh and cooked uses.
Early Blaze, also Earliblaze, is a cross between Jonathan and Grimes Golden, two other apples we grow at Hainlen.This variety is a good cooking apple but does not keep past a few weeks in cold storage.
Zestar!® is a cousin to the Honey Crisp® but available earlier in the season. With the same crisp you know from the Honey Crisp® the Zestar!® has a juicy bite with hint of brown sugar to it.

A lesser known heirloom variety, this variety originates from France and was popular in colonial America as a crisp and juicy apple that serves as an early-season all purpose apple.
This variety is a mix between Jonathan and Grimes Golden and offers a crisp bite that is juicy and sharp. Good for eating and also for sauces.
Honey Crisp® is bursting with a crisp and juicy flavor making this a very popular variety. Honey Crisp® has a long storage life and are best used in eating or baking.
A tart variety that is best used for Apple Sauce. Keeps fairly well in cold storage and browns slowly when cut. Its high sugar content made it a preferred apple for making hard cider and apple jack in Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains.
One of three pear varieties we grow. This early season pear is a popular option for it’s delicious taste, sweet aroma, and smooth texture. Can be used in place of apples in most recipes.
A mild version of a Golden Delicious, but available sooner, this variety is a juicy apple with mild acidity and hint of honey.Best eaten fresh as it does not keep well past a month in cold storage
A popular apple found in most grocery stores, Gala is a popular apple because of it’s sweet flavor and all-purpose use. This variety tends to have a mild-flavor but with a crunch.
A fresh-eating apple that is also widely used for making juice. This variety breaks down quickly when cooking, so be careful when using it to bake. Described as a mildy tart, yet sweet, apple that has hints of spice.
Very similar to it’s parent, the Daybreak Fuji produces sweet and crisp apples perfect for hand eating or baking and sauces. This variety is available several days head of the standard Fuji variety and tends to be larger in size.
This popular dark red apple with a grey hue has a crisp white flesh that is slow to brown when cut, making it a great apple for fresh-recipes. While similar to a McIntosh, it is not quite as soft making it more of an all-purpose variety.
Very similar to the heirloom Cortland, the Royal Cortland provides a deeper red color while the flesh is white and very juicy. Available a few days sooner than the Cortland, this variety is very hardy, aromatic, and resists browning when cut.
This pear is a juicy and sweet variety that resembles the more common Bartlett in flavor.
Also known as a Golden Delicious…This widely popular apple offers sweet and juicy flavors. It is a multi-use apple that is slow to brown when cut open and holds its shape when cooked.
The Red Delicious is one of the most recognizable varieties and is best used as a fresh eating apple..With it’s distinguished tall conical shape, its chief characteristic is that it has almost no flavor at all.
A popular heirloom variety, the Jonathan variety is a sweet and slightly tart variety that is the seed parent to over 40 other varieties.A juicy variety, Jonathan will break down slightly when cooked.
A cross between a Jonathan and a Red Delicious. Melrose holds it’s shape when cooked down, making a great pie and baking apple. Has a creamy white juicy flesh that is sweet and slightly tart.
A cross between a Jonathan and Golden Delicious, this variety is a sweet apple with a tangy aftertaste. Jonagold tends to be a larger apple with an ivory-to-white flesh and a crisp bite. Great for eating sliced or in a baked dish.
Golden Supreme is favored for its all-purpose use, able to be utilized fresh or cooked for its mild, sweet, and mellow character.Golden Supreme apples are known for their use in ciders as it’s sugar content helps to balance acidic and sharp flavors.
King David is a versatile tart heirloom apple that has a juicy yellow flesh and firm, crisp bite, and deep red skin like a Cortland. The Starks Bro’s growers threw Kind David to the side in 1894 to favor the Red Delicious, but we believe that to be a poor choice.
A cross between a Yellow (Golden) Delicious and Indo. Tends to be a large in size, coarse in texture, crispy and very juicy. Holds it’s shape well when cooked being a good cooking apple.
A close comparison to the Mutsu, often sold as the same. It is another cross between Yellow Delicious and Indo. Very juicy and sweet with just a hint of acidity. Does turn slightly brown when exposed to air.
Blushing Golden is a child variety to the Golden Delicious. It offers a more brisk and tangy flavor that is well balanced. Flavor improves in storage, which be several months in cold storage.
Said to be an accidental hybrid, the Kieffer pear is a hardy tree. It is available later in our season, after Bartlett. A mainly yellow fruit, it’s flesh is crisp, white, and coarse in texture and is good for canning, baking, preserves, and pear honey.
Another popular commercial variety, the Fuji is considered to be one of the sweetest apples available in the global market. Keeps well in cold storage for around 6 months, sometimes longer.
Rome is an excellent cooking apple that can also be used for pie and sauces. The flavor improves with cooking and it holds its shape well. Rome keeps well for up to four months in cold storage before getting soft and mealy.
Similar to a Stayman Winesap, the Turley Winesap stores well given it’s firmness and naturally waxed skin. Turley Winesap is a good variety for cooking or baking.
While a decent eating apple, the Stayman Winesap is best used for pies and cobblers. It is a firm and crisp apple with a juicy and sprightly flavor. Often described as having a hint of ‘wine’ to it.
The Old Fashion Winesap is one of the last varieties to ripen at our orchard. It tends to be larger than other Winesaps, but similar in flavor. It is primarily a culinary apple, but can be used for juice and cider as well.
This apple has a cream background covered with bright red blushes and very similar to a Honey Crisp®. Cameos are fine-grained and dense making it great for cooking with as they hold their shape well.
Known for the it’s distinctive green skin and very tart flavor, the Granny Smith is an all-purpose apple. Also works for salads or fruit platters, as it won’t brown quickly when cut.
Pink Lady is an extremely popular commercial apple for its firm flesh and high sugar with good acid balance. All Pink Lady apples start as a Cripps Pink, but only a potion meeting certain quality checks are sold as Pink Lady after harvest.
This variety is a blend between Golden Delicious and Lady Williams.
A primary fresh eating apple, it is an early-fall apple and one of the first yellow apples to ripen. This variety offers better flavor balanced than that of Golden Delicious. Slow to brown when exposed to air.
A cross between a McIntosh and Red Delicious, this variety offers a bright white flesh and a crisp bight. The flavor has a hint of melon and pineapple.